Smart Contract Transfer Exchange Platform: Participants


For a the SCTP to be adoptable, at the very minimum, it would need to represent the real world workflow within a smart contract framework. The fundamental building blocks of being able to do this is to ensure that the various personas involved in the critical transactions can be represented on the platform.

We could get into the weeds of the various individuals that could be involved in the process of a player leaving one club and joining another club (which in itself is a problem) but let's try and classify the types of participants we have in this process into 4 distinct categories:

Each of the above participants would have specific permissions based on their function which could be refined further within the participant type.

E.g. Imagine the participant type Regulatory Body, the way in which this participant type would be to effectively approve transfers. Imagine a transfer was taking place in a domestic setting it would only be the domestic authority that would need to approve a transfer. If the transfer was to be be a cross boarder transfer FIFA would need to be involved in the approval process. Therefore a domestic regulator and a global regulator would have different levels of permissions but their interaction with the transaction would be mirrored.